Aviation Accidents

Aeroflot Flight 3352 Crash: A Tragedy Caused by Human Error

Aeroflot Flight 3352 was a regularly scheduled Aeroflot flight from Krasnodar to Novosibirsk, with an intermediate landing in Omsk. On October 11, 1984, while landing at Omsk Tsentralny Airport, the aircraft crashed into maintenance vehicles on the runway, killing 174 people on board and four on the ground.

The aircraft involved was a Tupolev Tu-154B-1, a three-engine wide-body medium-range jet airliner. The flight was carrying 170 passengers and 4 crew members.

The accident was caused by a series of errors, including:

– The air traffic controller on duty fell asleep and failed to clear the runway of maintenance vehicles before the arrival of Flight 3352.

* The flight crew did not see the maintenance vehicles until it was too late to avoid a collision.

– The aircraft was not equipped with a ground proximity warning system (GPWS), which would have alerted the flight crew to their proximity to the ground.

The crash of Aeroflot Flight 3352 is the deadliest aviation accident to have occurred on what is now Russian soil. It is also one of the deadliest aviation accidents in history.

Aeroflot Flight 3352 Crash: A Tragedy Caused by Human Error
Aeroflot Flight 3352 Crash: A Tragedy Caused by Human Error

Sequence of events

At 5:06 am, the air traffic controller instructed the flight crew of Aeroflot Flight 3352 to begin their descent to Omsk Airport. The flight crew acknowledged the instruction and began their descent.

At 5:21 am, the air traffic controller cleared Flight 3352 to land on runway. The flight crew acknowledged the clearance and began their final approach to the runway.

At 5:38 am, Flight 3352 passed the lowest height at which the flight crew could abort the landing. The aircraft landed at a normal 240 km/h (130 kn; 150 mph). On touchdown, the flight crew saw the array of drying vehicles and attempted to turn the aircraft, but were unable to avoid the collision.

The aircraft collided with the maintenance vehicles at a speed of approximately 200 km/h (120 kn; 120 mph). The impact caused the aircraft to break apart and catch fire. All 174 people on board and four people on the ground were killed.


The crash of Aeroflot Flight 3352 had a profound impact on the Soviet aviation industry. The government ordered a number of safety reforms, including the mandatory installation of GPWS on all Soviet airliners. The air traffic control system was also overhauled.

The crash also led to a greater awareness of the dangers of fatigue among air traffic controllers. In the years since the crash, there have been a number of measures implemented to reduce fatigue among air traffic controllers, such as shorter shifts and more breaks.

The crash of Aeroflot Flight 3352 is a reminder of the importance of aviation safety. It is also a reminder of the tragic consequences that can occur when even seemingly minor errors are made.

