

Eurocontrol is the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation, a multinational organization that aims to promote safe, efficient and environmentally friendly air navigation in Europe.

Established in 1960, Eurocontrol is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, and is composed of 41 member states, including all European Union (EU) countries and several non-EU countries. Its main task is to develop and implement a common European air traffic management system that coordinates the activities of national air traffic control organizations.


One of the key objectives of Eurocontrol is to reduce delays and increase the overall capacity of the European air traffic management system. To achieve this goal, Eurocontrol works closely with national air traffic control organizations, airlines, airports, and other stakeholders to develop and implement new technologies, procedures and services that enhance the safety and efficiency of air navigation in Europe.

Eurocontrol is also responsible for developing and implementing a common set of performance targets and standards for air navigation services in Europe, as well as monitoring and reporting on their performance. Additionally, Eurocontrol provides technical and operational support to its member states, as well as training and capacity-building programs for air traffic controllers and other aviation professionals.

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Airports

In recent years, Eurocontrol has also focused on reducing the environmental impact of air navigation in Europe. This includes promoting more environmentally friendly air traffic management practices, such as reduced emissions, fuel efficiency, and noise reduction.

Overall, Eurocontrol plays a critical role in promoting safe, efficient and sustainable air navigation in Europe. Its efforts to coordinate the activities of national air traffic control organizations, enhance the performance of the European air traffic management system, and reduce the environmental impact of air navigation are essential for ensuring the continued growth and success of the European aviation industry.