

Curiosity is perhaps one of the most important factors that triggered the development and change of human history. People have been curious about space since the earliest times of history. With the development of technology, the idea of exploring space has now started to turn into action and humanity took its first step into space in 1961. Yuri Gagarin launched into space on April 12, 1961, in the Vostok spacecraft and completed its orbit of the Earth. Thus, he succeeded in becoming the first human in space, and with this success, he started the space age in the history of humanity.

With Yuri Gagarin’s landing in space, many countries around the world accelerated/started space studies. At this point, I will not tell more about the space adventure of mankind. That is a completely different area of expertise.

Different nations gave different names to people who went into space. For example, Yuri Gagarin received the title of Cosmonaut as a Soviet. In other words, people of Soviet origin who go into space are called Cosmonauts. In addition, with the increase in space studies and the arrival of different people from many nations, different names/terms began to be used for people who went into space, although they basically mean the same thing.

Space traveler from Russia and Soviet countries – Cosmonaut

Space Traveler from Europe and America, Canada – Astronaut

Space traveler from China – Taikonaut

Space traveler from France – Spationaut

Here are the commonly used terms. Let’s see if new countries will increase space studies in the coming years and will some new ones be added to these terms.


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