
Lufthansa aims to integrate the Covid-19 test results with tickets.

German airline Lufthansa is preparing to combine the results of the Covid-19 PCR tests (PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction) with the ticket data. In this project, Lufthansa works with the medical firm Centogene which works on producing solutions for rare diseases. For now, the relevant personnel can do the tests at Frankfurt Airport and the passengers can learn the results within two to three hours. Tests that give results within 6 to 8 hours are among the alternatives that passengers can choose. The hourly capacity of the facility established in the airport is 380 tests.

Passengers who want to purchase this service of Lufthansa have to pay 139 Euros for the quick test and 59 Euros for the slow test that results within six to eight hours.

Those who want to integrate the test result with ticket data also have to pay a fee of 9 Euros.

The results can be transmitted to a mobile application; which passengers can also download to their phones via a block chain-based digital platform.

Lufthansa will launch the same service at Munich Airport in the coming days. Here, the company they will work with is MediCare company.

By integrating the test results into the ticket data, it is aimed to prevent the passengers from having to quarantine in their country of travel or on arrival in Germany.

Lufthansa Group member airlines have approximately 750 aircraft in their fleet, and more than half of them have recently begun to fly again.

By the end of October 2020, the company aims to make the airlines in the group fly more than 70% of their long-range destinations in normal time.

In this context, the factors that prevent passengers from traveling by air should be eliminated.

Different Applications are the Biggest Barrier

As it is known, the biggest obstacle in front of airline travel after the international flights are re-activated in May-June is the different practices put into effect by the states. All of these practices are of course the measures taken against covid19 pandemic and thus an important way has been covered in combating the epidemic. However, different practices between countries make it difficult for the aviation sector to adapt and lead to some consequences that prolong the recovery process.

In particular, adding up-to-date test results to the ticket data of passengers and the widespread use of this process can eliminate a serious problem that restricts international travel. But to be realistic, it is difficult to realize such an application at large airports in tens of thousands of passengers every day.

Therefore, the main goal should be to find the vaccine of Covid-19 or an effective treatment method as soon as possible and relax the minds of the people. Then, we should take the necessary lessons from the covid19 pandemic and also transform the airline travel into a stronger and safer way against events that will create possible outbreaks and similar effects.

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