DLR Candidate Selection Test for Pilots
The DLR is an institution that Germany has commissioned for aerospace exploration, meaning the German Aerospace Center (German: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.), acronym and commonly known as “DLR”. The DLR candidate selection tests are originally designed for the purpose of selecting the astronaut candidates that this institution plans to cultivate within itself. The development of the civil aviation sector with accelerated momentum in the last century required the presence of competent and capable pilots in all aspects of its field, and then some institutitons decided to use DLR test / exams in this field so that appropriate candidates can be selected. Today, many airlines use this exam in their processes.
As aviationfile, we recommend our sister platform testaviation.com for preparation for exams such as FEAST and DLR. You can solve sample exams and find more information on the subject by visiting testaviation.com.

DLR candidate Selection Tests
DLR candidate selection tests are divided into two parts: DLR-I and DLR-2 as applied. The DLR-I exam is generally measured by technical knowledge and various abilities, while DLR-2 is the test conducted in the interview environment.
DLR-I test: It consist of a total of 10 tests, including 3 information and 7 skill modules.
Information Modules:
· ENS – English (ENS-English exam is now replaced by “dyned” exam)
· TVT – Physics
· RAG – Mathematics
For English and physics, paper and pen is not allowed during the test. In the math test, paper and pen can be used. A calculator cannot be used in any modules.
Capability Modules:
· OWT – Perceptual Speed
· RMS – Running Memory Span
· SKT – Concentration
· VLR – Spatial Orientation
· MEK – Visual Memory
· ROT – Cube Rotation
· MIC – Monitoring and Instrument Co-ordination
· PPT – Dot Position Test
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The duration, number of questions and characteristics of each module are keeping in with the exam requirements. Capabilities that skill modules aim to test are subject to cross-examination by modules divided into binary groups.
· Concentration / Sensing Speed: SKT-Concentration and OWT-Perceptual Speed
· Three-Dimensional Thinking / Sense of Direction: Cube Rotation and VLR-Spatial Orientation
· Visual Memory / Short Memory: MEK-Visual Memory and RMS-Running Memory Span
· Hand-Eye Coordination: MIC-Dynamic Co-ordination
In the evaluation phase of the test results, the scores from the group modules mentioned above are calculated together. For example, if you want to test results of the SKT-Concentration and OWT-Perceptual Speed, modules are evaluated together. Only the MIC – Monitoring and Instrument Co-ordination module is evaluated separately from the capability modules.
Exam Environment
Exam environment: It consists of a touch screen computer, joystick for use in the MIC module, paper and pen for use in mathematics testing. All 10 tests in the DLR-1 exam are held on the same day. The course of the exam is as follows;
· PPT – Dot Position, SKT – Concentration
· RAG – Mathematics, VLR – Spatial Orientation
· RMS – Running Memory Span, Personality Test
· TVT – Physics, OWT – Perceptual Speed
· ROT – Cube Rotaion, MEK – Visual Memory
· MIC – Monitoring and Instrument Co-ordination
Tests continue as 10 minutes apart after the completion of 2 modules as stated above in groups. A break is taken for 1 hour between lunch break, and the tests continue to the end. In addition to the tests mentioned above, candidate faces with a personality test that includes 230-250 questions to determine personality traits. The results do not affect the DLR-1 exams, however, their evaluation is carried out in the DLR-2 process, which takes place in the interview process accompanied by experts.
Finally don’t forget that applications may vary according to the authority or company in charge.
I wish you the best when you take DLR candidate selection test.
As Aviationfile, we have developed an application where you can prepare for the DLR exam. The application covers many different modules. It consists of more than 600 unique questions in total. Click to go to the play store page of our “Aviation Aptitude Tests” application.

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